Liposuction on the Face
Many patients find the fat pockets on their face, especially on the cheeks and chin. This can often be a blemish to an otherwise rather slim figure. Since the pockets are usually hereditary, they cannot be reduced by sport and nutrition. The only option is to perform liposuction on the affected areas. Facial liposuction is a demanding procedure, as the layer of fat is usually very thin. It is also important to take into account the anatomical features of the face. Only the superficial fat on the cheeks can be suctioned off in liposuction of the cheeks. A different procedure must be discussed for deeper lying fat. Liposuction on the chin, or the so-called double chin, is also possible. During facial liposuction, slight swelling and bruising may occur, and it is important that a compression bandage is worn for at least one to three weeks after the procedure. In addition, the facial muscles should be spared by avoiding extreme facial expressions and eating easily chewable food. In the first few days painkillers are administered and the swelling is taken care of. If stitches were also sewn during liposuction on the face, the stitches can be removed after one week. However, sport should be avoided for another one to two months.