Fat Removal on the Legs (Liposuction On the Legs)
Patients who opt for liposuction on the legs tend to suffer greatly from their irregular body silhouette. Often the fat pockets on the thighs, knees and calves make the legs look so stocky that they get the feeling that the upper and lower body do not fit together. on the thighs, knees and calves make the legs look so stocky that they get the feeling that the upper and lower body do not fit together. In addition to this, nothing can be done about these annoying fat pockets by fitness and reduced calorie intake. Fat removal, which is also called liposuction in technical terminology, is usually the only way to correct this imbalance. Liposuction makes the legs slimmer and at the same time shapes them. This creates a smooth and homogeneous transition to the adjacent body regions.
Liposuction Legs and Buttocks:
The Facts
Length of stay in the clinic
1 day outpatientAnesthesia
General anaesthesiaFollow-up treatment
6 weekscompression goods
Resumption of social activities
After 1 weekPains
-General Information about
Liposuction On the Legs/Buttocks
Unsightly ‘orange peel skin’ (cellulite), which is often particularly pronounced on the legs, is also reduced by liposuction. Procedures with tumescent solution, vibration or ultrasound are the possible methods for liposuction on the legs. In the most commonly used tumescent technique, a solution of table salt, anesthetics and other additives is injected into the areas of the legs to be treated. The fatty tissue can be more easily sucked out with a cannula.
Minimal incisions are necessary, in order to insert the cannula under the skin, these are often made in hidden places. The patient is under local anaesthesia during the operation or is put into a twilight sleep as desired. It is necessary that the body regions are supported with compression bandages for at least one week after liposuction. This reduces swelling and optimizes healing and shaping. Movement restrictions following the procedure are not to be feared, but the patient should refrain from sports for the next few weeks. Immediately after the liposuction, the ‘new’ slim legs are already visible but there is still a healing period of a few weeks before the final results.
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Bottom / Thigh Liposuction
As nice as the descriptions ‘Hip Gold’ and ‘Love Handles’ may sound, those affected are often very dissatisfied with the fat deposits on their hips. In extreme cases, the fatty tissue lies like a ring around the hips, which usually distorts the body shape a lot. The predisposition for fat being stored on the hip is usually hereditary. The hip is one of the areas of the body most affected by unsightly fat deposits, in both women and men. However, the hip fat can be very effectively counteracted by liposuction. This is done according to a two-shift procedure. This means that both the superficial as well as the deeper lying fat pockets are sucked out.
The aim should be to achieve not only an aesthetic figure but also a harmonious transition to the adjacent body regions, such as the abdomen, buttocks or thighs. Various methods such as laser, ultrasound or vibration can be used for liposuction of the hips. Factors such as tissue type, excess skin and age are decisive factors in the type of treatment chosen.
Whether a person’s buttocks or buttocks have a lot of fat deposits is often a hereditary trait. Fat tissue can be reduced by emptying the fat cells through special sports exercises and a healthy, low-calorie diet, but this has no effect on the number of fat cells. Liposuction on the buttocks is the only way for the patient to get rid of these fat cells and thus the unwanted fat pockets. Vibration is the most commonly performed type of liposuction for the region of the buttocks. Liposuction of the buttocks is often combined with a buttock lift.
It is not uncommon for liposuction to be performed on the thighs to remove the fat deposits on the inside and outside of the thighs (so-called saddlebags). This approach allows for a homogeneous overall picture and creates a slim and natural silhouette. The cost of liposuction on the thighs cannot be precisely determined in advance. Whether the fatty tissue was suctioned on the outer sides or the inner sides of the thighs, or both, is not relevant for the costs. The patient’s condition before the operation, the nature of the tissue, the desired result after the operation, the procedure and the effort required for liposuction must be taken into account in the total costs.
A personal consultation at our Sinis Clinic Berlin is therefore essential for determining the costs. During the consultation, we analyse a realistic and aesthetic operation result for you based on your current situation. A 3D simulation prior to treatment will help us to give you an impression of how your thighs, and your new body image, might look after the procedure. After we have analysed and discussed all the important information about liposuction with you, we can estimate the cost of the operation. As a rule, this guideline value after liposuction of your thighs deviates only slightly from the previously determined costs..
Women in particular can have the ‘bumps’ on the right and left side of the upper outer thighs, the so-called riding pants, removed. Predisposition, rapid weight gain or even pregnancy are reasons for fat accumulation in this area, against which there is almost nothing to be done. Liposuction on this part of the body is the only way to remove the riding pants permanently and create a beautiful silhouette. Before the procedure, the area to be treated around the riding trousers is marked on the body with a marker. After this a special solution is injected, which contains a local anaesthetic, among other things. The cannula, which sucks out the unwanted pockets, is inserted in the vascular fold area.
The advantage is that any scars are well hidden and hardly visible or completely invisible later on. The wearing of special compression clothing is mandatory. The result of the liposuction can already be seen the day after the procedure and can be admired in a few weeks.
Liposuction Lower Legs
The knee is decisive in whether or not a leg looks aesthetically slim and well-shaped from thigh to foot. The fatty tissue on the knee is persistent and can only be removed by liposuction. In aesthetic surgery, the knee is considered a particularly sensitive area of the body. Numerous lymphatic channels and muscles could be irritated during the procedure. It is therefore particularly useful to use very fine cannulas, which enable very targeted and gentle suction. Liposuction of the knee is performed with vibration liposuction after the tumescent solution has been injected into both inner sides of the knee. Intensive aftercare is particularly important for liposuction of the knee, as it can lead to increased pain and longer wound healing after the operation.
Strong calves or colloquially also called ‘footballers calves’ often influence the overall appearance. The fat pockets in the calves can be very stubborn, so that a change in diet does hardly anything. Sport usually exacerbates this problem, as the calf muscles grow as a result of the sporting activity. Liposuction on the calves is usually the only way to model a slim lower leg. However, the calf muscle must be examined beforehand. In some patients, the muscle is enlarged and surrounded by little fatty tissue. Liposuction on the calves makes no sense in such cases. Other possibilities for calf correction must then be considered, for example, surgical calf reduction on the muscle or Botox treatment.
Liposuction on strong calves only makes sense if the cause is fat deposits. Liposuction is not the right solution for water retention (oedema) on the calves, which often occurs as a result of heart disease or kidney damage. If a clear layer of fat can be felt on the calf and the calf muscle is of normal size, liposuction will have a very good result. As with after every liposuction, a compression bandage in the form of a stocking must also be worn on the calf. In general, physical stress affecting the calf should be avoided for one to two months.
Painkillers and decongestant measures are particularly useful in the first few days. If the puncture sites are sewn up, the stitches can be removed after one week.
Fat deposits on the lower legs can accumulate stubbornly in the calves, ankles or even below the knee. The overall picture of the patient appears inconsistent if the rest of the body is otherwise rather slim. Liposuction on the lower legs is often the only way to give the patient a beautiful body silhouette. However, liposuction in this area of the body is a particular challenge, as diseases must be ruled out in advance. If the cause of stocky lower legs is fat deposits, liposuction on the lower legs makes sense. However, strong lower legs can also be caused by water retention (so-called oedema) caused by another disease.
In this case, liposuction does not make sense because the cause of water retention, such as kidney disease or heart disease, must be found and treated. However, there is also a hereditary cause for strong lower legs, namely when the muscle in a patient’s lower leg is anatomically larger than the average size. In this case, the lower leg consists only of a small amount of fatty tissue, so liposuction is not the right option here. Extremely strong lower legs often have a so-called lipedema, which spreads to the hips and can be treated effectively by liposuction in many cases.
Compression garments help to achieve a quick and beautiful final result after the surgical procedure. However, the patient should take it easy for a while and avoid physical exertion, especially for the lower leg, for up to two months.
Liposuction Berlin
Would you like to have the liposuction of your legs performed in Berlin? At our Sinis Clinic Berlin we work to the highest standards of plastic and aesthetic surgery. We discuss with you how the desired result of your liposuction on the legs can be achieved and analyse the method required for this, as well as possible risks. It is our ethos to take good care of you during your liposuction, so that you feel cared for.
Many patients from Germany and abroad have already decided to have liposuction at the Sinis Clinic Berlin with the desire for slimmer legs and were very satisfied. You can contact us at 030 – 678 281 81 to arrange a consultation for your liposuction in Berlin. You can also get in touch with us with the following contact form.
Open continuously from Tuesday 08.00 to Saturday 14.00
Open continuously from Tuesday 08.00 to Saturday 14.00